Reflections of Toni Romera

¿Músico o atleta de carreras de obstáculos?

30. A musician or an obstacle race athlete?

  I have heard it said many times that the mouthpiece is important but that what is really important is to study more, and study intelligently. Maybe they are right....

30. A musician or an obstacle race athlete?

  I have heard it said many times that the mouthpiece is important but that what is really important is to study more, and study intelligently. Maybe they are right....

¿Se puede recomendar una boquilla por email o WhatsApp?

28. Can a mouthpiece be recommended by email or...

The instrument does not need a specific mouthpiece, it is each musician who needs a specific mouthpiece and not the instrument.

28. Can a mouthpiece be recommended by email or...

The instrument does not need a specific mouthpiece, it is each musician who needs a specific mouthpiece and not the instrument.

26. El cambio a boquillas más grandes tiene de ser progresivo

26. The change to larger mouthpiece must be pro...

To be able to play with larger mouthpieces. First you have to work the air you throw.

26. The change to larger mouthpiece must be pro...

To be able to play with larger mouthpieces. First you have to work the air you throw.

Empezamos un nuevo año 2024

Empezamos un nuevo año 2024

Cómo dijo Beethoven ”La música puede cambiar el mundo”

Empezamos un nuevo año 2024

Cómo dijo Beethoven ”La música puede cambiar el mundo”

Mi primera experiencia con una boquilla.

11-My first experience with a mouthpiece.

My first experience with a mouthpiece. When I started studying trombone, my teacher recommended me to buy a mouthpiece of a specific brand and model (which I prefer not to...

11-My first experience with a mouthpiece.

My first experience with a mouthpiece. When I started studying trombone, my teacher recommended me to buy a mouthpiece of a specific brand and model (which I prefer not to...

El ciclo de la boquilla

The mouthpieces cycle

I like to compare the process of making a mouthpiece to the life cycle of plants: Start with a seed ➡️ “the idea of the mouthpiece”From the seed comes a...

The mouthpieces cycle

I like to compare the process of making a mouthpiece to the life cycle of plants: Start with a seed ➡️ “the idea of the mouthpiece”From the seed comes a...