Toni Romera
Romera Brass by Toni Romera

Nowadays you can buy thousands of standard mouthpieces from many different brands, if you find one that suits you, no problem, but, if you want to improve or modify any part of the mouthpiece it becomes a problem.
Welcome to the custom mouthpiece experience
CUSTOM Romera Brass
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A creative journey
In our small workshop located in Manresa near Barcelona, and for more than 30 years.
I carry out the entire manufacturing process, from when the brass bar enters, to the final finish, only this way I can ensure that when delivering a mouthpiece, the measurements are correct, the polishing or the silver or gold plated will have exceptional finishes.
A little bit of madness
Romera Brass is a mixture of tradition, craftsmanship, technology and why not, also, a little madness, it is true that in recent years a lot of technology has been incorporated, but the essence remains for me the same from day one What moves me every day is the personal contact with the musician, being able to contribute my experience as a luthier, it is…….it is passion……. In the end what moves you is the passion for a job well done
The magic of knowing how to listen
The musician who seeks excellence, for me, has to find his/her best mouthpiece and there is only one way, which is the CUSTOM personalized mouthpiece, a mouthpiece adapted to his/her way of playing.
When I am with the musician to make a personalized mouthpiece, he/she talks to me about abstract ideas, which are still sensations, emotions.
The magic is in capturing those sensations, making the mouthpiece and when the musician plays it could say wow... this is what I was looking for,
For me this is the essence of Romera Brass,
Go from sensations, from a dream to having a personalized mouthpiece that really works for you.
If you seek excellence, there is only one way.
Customize the mouthpiece to your way of playing.
Welcome to the personalized mouthpiece experience
CUSTOM Romera Brass