Romera Brass ACADEMY

36. Many musicians play with mouthpieces that a...
"When you play with a mouthpiece that is too large, you have the FALSE feeling that everything is easier."
36. Many musicians play with mouthpieces that a...
"When you play with a mouthpiece that is too large, you have the FALSE feeling that everything is easier."

35. I am an expert in mouthpieces, that's why I...
"If someone advises you on a mouthpiece without knowing how you play, they are simply misleading you or do not understand how a mouthpiece works."
35. I am an expert in mouthpieces, that's why I...
"If someone advises you on a mouthpiece without knowing how you play, they are simply misleading you or do not understand how a mouthpiece works."

34.¿Tienes las medidas y forma del aro perfecta...
Si vienes a mi taller a fabricarte una boquilla personalizada lo primero que te voy a preguntar, es, si las medidas y formas del aro las tienes claras.
34.¿Tienes las medidas y forma del aro perfecta...
Si vienes a mi taller a fabricarte una boquilla personalizada lo primero que te voy a preguntar, es, si las medidas y formas del aro las tienes claras.

33. Three basic forms of the rims shape.
Do you have the feeling that there are many different types of rims and that it's complicated to choose from so many options? Don't worry, it's simpler than it seems....
33. Three basic forms of the rims shape.
Do you have the feeling that there are many different types of rims and that it's complicated to choose from so many options? Don't worry, it's simpler than it seems....

32. Elements that make up the rim
We place the rim where it is, and, do you know that it is made up of several elements?
32. Elements that make up the rim
We place the rim where it is, and, do you know that it is made up of several elements?

31. Do the tools with which the mouthpieces are...
This is how I made the mouthpiece cups, more than 20 years ago.
31. Do the tools with which the mouthpieces are...
This is how I made the mouthpiece cups, more than 20 years ago.